About MYAD

Our mission is to amplify the voices of young individuals worldwide, ensuring their perspectives shape international policy.

Throughout the year, we meticulously research and craft youth-centered policy briefs for esteemed UN Commissions, including the Commission on the Status of Women and Commission on Social Development. These briefs serve as crucial advocacy tools, enabling us to advocate for youth-centric policies on a global scale. As our final initiative for the academic year, MYAD puts together a Youth Policy Report – the product of an entirely youth-led policy development process as well as community consultations, expert consultations, and knowledge sharing with youth-centered organizations. You can read the 2023-2024 report: (CPD) (CSW) (CSocD)

Stakeholder Engagement

We are dedicated to fostering inclusive and informed policymaking processes by hosting community consultation events and workshops in the Montreal area. By facilitating these consultations, we not only gather valuable insights and ideas but also build trust and transparency within our community. This collaborative approach ensures that the policies we advocate for are reflective of the real-life challenges and aspirations of the youth we serve, thereby strengthening our impact and relevance in addressing societal issues effectively.

We regularly engage with UN Permanent Missions and NGOs to develop side events, draft joint statements, and engage directly with UN third committee negotiations. By amplifying youth voices in these high-level discussions, we strive to foster greater inclusivity, relevance, and effectiveness in shaping global policies that impact the lives of young individuals everywhere.

Elevating Youth Voices

We're dedicated to bridging the gap between young people and policy-making entities. Through vigorous efforts, we bring youth voices to the forefront of international policy discussions. By engaging directly with Permanent Missions and UN Commissions, we actively work to integrate the unique insights and aspirations of young individuals into the fabric of global policies.

